Free From Terror


Government by Anthrax Who could have sent the anthrax letters and who has a motive? Here's evidence the letters were sent to grease the skids for the Patriot Act then before Congress. By Richard J. Ochs


Questions for Public Hearings What the Government is ignoring about the anthrax letters.


Learning the Wrong Lessons about the Anthrax Attack

Increased bioweapons research due to last year's anthrax letters has ironically made matters worse. Rather than inventing new diseases, ostensibly for which to design defenses, the U.S. should obey the 1972 Convention on Biological Weapons, which it has been violating, and ratify the International Protocol on Inspection and Verification, which it has been sabotaging. By Richard J. Ochs


Connecting the Dots and Asking Questions about the Anthrax Attacks Summary on the anthrax letters investigation: Who did it? Will we ever find out? By Richard J. Ochs


Abolish Bioweapons Now Human extinction is theoretically possible with new genetically engineered diseases. The US is the rogue nation threatening humanity. By Richard J. Ochs


Home Brew? International legal scholar Prof. Francis Boyle traces the history of U.S. biological warfare policy and condemns its violations and horrific prospects.


Who is Steven Hatfill? According to columnist Laura Rozen ( 2/8/02), he is a racist mercenary for sure, a probable war criminal and a possible anthrax terrorist, FBI settlement notwithstanding.


Assassination attempt on Democratic leaders The U.S. corporate media and FBI are covering up a plot by right wing elements in the U.S. military and intelligence agencies.


The United States is protecting the anthrax terrorist Top officials of the U.S. government are linked to a criminal conspiracy to protect a government trained anthrax assassin.


Synopsis Brief description of the "Government by Anthrax" theory that the letters were timed to influence legislation then before Congress.


U.S. Bioterrorism Research Leaps Past Defensive Tactics Scientists now able to explore creating genetically engineered superbugs, plus the means to mass-produce and spread them.
Oakland Tribune, Tuesday, June 08, 2004, by Ian Hoffman, Staff Writer.


Opposition to New Biolabs at Fort Detrick, Md. Comments submitted regarding proposed expansion at Fort Detrick. People are picketing in Bethesda, taking the position that the proposed new "research facilities" should not be located in a metropolitan area, but instead in Frederick where 200.000 live! By Barry J.C. Kissin, Attorney at Law, Frederick, Maryland.


Bioterror Fight May Spawn New Risks. As field of study expands, concerns grow about potential pathogen leaks; "Accidents are more likely" By Scott Shane, Baltimore Sun, June 27, 2004.


The Institue for Genomic Research: Genomic Powerhouse, Biosafety Tragedy. The skyrocketing biodefense budget, now exceeding that of the Manhattan Project (adjusted for inflation), is rapidly increasing research on biological weapons agents, including risky genetic engineering projects., July 27, 2004


Comments to Department of Homeland Security on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for more germ war labs. By Richard Ochs, November 1, 2004.